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  • opjubilee 7:57 pm on September 23, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Meet at Parliament on Nov 5 

  • opjubilee 10:30 pm on November 1, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Muad’Dib Is The Key 

    Even after Spiritually waking up, it often takes a long time to learn the Law. We need someone that already knows the Law to help us set up society properly. Muad’Dib is the Expert of the Law and can apply the Law perfectly to lead us into the Golden Age of Peace, Love and Prosperity. Muad’Dib’s relentless fight for Justice, adherence to Truth, and example of Self-sacrifice are spotless credentials that mark Him as the Spiritual Leader of all true freedom fighters.

  • opjubilee 9:07 pm on October 31, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    God’s Law is Freedom 

    God’s Law is a Spiritual Law. A Spirit is a conscious Being that is not made of flesh. God is a Spirit, not a human. God’s Law makes sense to a Spirit, but not to a human. For a human Being to understand the Law, the Being has to wake up as a Spirit. This is Spiritual awakening. Learning about all kinds of conspiracies does not make a person awake if they don’t know who they themselves are. Anyone who believes they are a mortal human is still Spiritually asleep. The Law is not going to make sense to such a person and for them there is no solution, except to wake up Spiritually.

    One common criticism is that Biblical Law is slavery, but this is an obvious lie. Biblical Law was given to Moses at a time when slavery was an accepted fact of life on this planet, and the followers of Moses had just escaped slavery themselves. The Law has provisions that slaves should be released on the seventh year, that upon release a slave should be given wealth, that slaves are to be treated well, and that if a slave escapes as a result of poor treatment, he is to be set free. These provisions, and many others, are simply not compatible with trying to enslave people. They are obviously intended to liberate people that are already enslaved. This happens to be what we need right now. The fact that so many people misinterpret the Law as leading people into slavery is an example of how humans misunderstand the Law.

    Humans are particularly offended by the many death sentences for general acts of evil, such as adultery. Sure, a human would like to do all kinds of evil things and get away with it. A Spirit is not a human, so killing a human doesn’t kill the Spirit inside. Killing a human sends the Spirit back into the Spirit world, from where they might return as another incarnation. A human is not going to believe any of this of course, but a Spirit will know it to be true. If someone is abusing their place in life to be evil and hurt others, by cheating and abusing them or by living a filthy life-style, they get sent back to the Spirit world to return in a form that is more fitting. No, people don’t get reincarnated as other animals, only as other people. If someone can’t handle their responsibilities as a man, they might come back as a fat woman or as a cripple of some kind. That’s karma for you and it’s perfectly fair because it’s focused on protecting the innocent from further acts of evil.

    Under Biblical Law, everyone gets land, both in the city and in the country. People are instructed to establish an interest-free credit system. This interest-free credit system is not supposed to deny credit to poor people that really need the money. All debt is supposed to be cancelled every seventh year. All land is supposed to be returned to its family every fiftieth year. The head of the government is not allowed to make himself wealthy by abusing his position. The income tax is fixed at 10%. Freedoms are protected from tyrants by prohibiting legislation – none of the freedom provisions may be changed, and anyone who tries to change them is to be considered a traitor. This is all vastly superior in terms of freedom to the systems of government that we have now.

    All this sounds like crazy talk to a human, but a Spirit should see the Truth in it. The only practical guide to wake up as a Spirit is called the Way Home or face the Fire. If people don’t wake up Spiritually, even if we changed the laws to match Biblical Law, society would still revert to the way things are now, because humans don’t understand and can’t keep the Biblical Law. Anyone that wakes up as a Spirit should be able to develop the self-control necessary to stop doing evil and then there are no punishments, only the freedom that is established and protected by the Law. And that’s how the Law is Freedom.

  • opjubilee 6:48 pm on October 30, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Global Awakening 2012 

    It’s fashionable to talk about Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, and/or Christ Consciousness these days, but what do these terms really mean? Spiritual Awakening means waking up as a Spirit, but how does one accomplish that? The Way Home or face the Fire explains what it really means to be a Spirit and how to attain Enlightenment in simple terms.

    For Operation Jubilee to be successful in achieving lasting social change, people have to shift to a higher state of consciousness. Usually this takes a very long time. We don’t have a long time. The Way Home or face the Fire is extremely practical and is the only hope we have of people becoming more aware and loving in a reasonable amount of time.

    The Way Home

  • opjubilee 10:26 am on October 28, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    The NAZI Banksters’ Crimes Ripple Effect 

    Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are bound to repeat them. Watch this movie to learn the lessons of history.

  • opjubilee 10:12 pm on October 19, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: evil system, mortgage debt   

    A Message to the Police and Armed Forces 

    Hello members of our U.K. police and armed forces.

    We are Anonymous and we invite you to stand with us, on our side on the historic day of November the 5th 2012, to proclaim and celebrate the True Jubilee and cancel all debts, including yours and those of your families, and to share in the redistribution of the land and wealth, that has been fraudulently stolen from us all by the crown, its cronies and the fat-cat banksters, with the assistance and complicity of their puppet politicians.

    We know that most of you are working-class people, like the majority of us, and that you too have mortgages, student loans, or your children do, and other debts as well. Don’t defend the traitors against us, your fellow citizens, who pay your wages, and whom you are supposed to protect against criminals like the banksters and the other parasites who are sucking the life out of the nation.

    We call on you to do the right thing for once and stand with us, not against us, as we are doing this for YOUR benefit too.

    How would you like to have your mortgage-debt forgiven, and keep your property, and receive a share of the nation’s stolen wealth, and also get a large piece of land where you can build a big house and grow your own food, and raise your children happily and safely?

    Under your uniform you are one of us and we are you. United we stand and can make this world a better place for all of us.

    We offer you our hands in friendship. Join us.

    We are not against you, only against the evil system that you defend, and we appeal to your consciences to stop protecting the traitors and banksters, and protect us from them instead.

    Brothers in arms, join us and end wars and poverty.

    United we stand.

  • opjubilee 11:00 am on October 14, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Corruption in South Yorkshire Police (and Beyond) 

    Former principal police intelligence analyst (Tony Farrell) exposes corruption in the UK police force. Tony Farrell tried to change the system from the inside, but they fired him and started a character assassination campaign against him. We need to show support to insiders so that more of them are encouraged to do the right thing.

  • opjubilee 10:49 pm on October 13, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Stop Terrorism 

  • opjubilee 11:50 am on October 12, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Lawful Authority 

    Corrupt institutions are taking our rights away piece by piece with legislation, to the point where we are living in a world comparably oppressive to that depicted in 1984. And it is getting worse.

    The point of the Operation is not just to put another institution over us to become the new oppressor or for a small group of insiders to become the new elite. We are making sacrifices so that all men and women may be free. For that to be possible, safeguards have to be put in place against people trying to take over the world in the future.

    Safeguards against people taking over the world must of necessity take a form of law. For the law to be effective, two things must hold true: the law must be decreed by an authority and the law must be enforced.

    First, the matter of Lawful authority. If no human institution is to be trusted, the only possible authority is God. The Laws protecting our rights must then come from God directly. This is the only sure way to protect our rights indefinitely. Notice that we don’t mention any organized religion. God is above anything in this world and He is the authority for our rights and for all Law. A personal relationship with God is the only true religion.

    Once the matter of authority is established, there is a matter of enforcement. A law needs to be enforced to be effective. Having renounced human institutions as authority, we cannot trust them for enforcement. The only mechanism of enforcement then is the individual – enforcing the law is then a matter of every individual that is able doing their part to resolve any injustice they see. Individual enforcement can only work for simple laws based on universal principles of justice and doesn’t leave room for any legislation or politics. This is a further advantage, because it leaves individuals free to manage their own lives.

    With established Authority and a defined enforcement mechanism, the Law protecting our rights can be declared. Enforcing or making legislation violates our God-given rights and is un-Lawful. The penalty for enforcing or making legislation is death. The Law is enforceable by anyone who is able. The Law should protect our rights indefinitely once the Operation is complete, if it is enforced. The whole Law is based on Universal Principles that have been known for thousands of years. The Law has been given to Moses. The Law has been confirmed by Jesus. The Law has been confirmed by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

    We would like to thank Muad’Dib for revealing these Truths to us and setting us on the way to Liberty and Justice for all. We denounce all organized religions and all forms of politics. In God we trust.

  • opjubilee 6:15 pm on October 11, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    United We Stand 

    United we can stand up to the terrorists. Some people say that rules of engagement wouln’t work and would lead to violence. This video is proof that a large group of people can peacefully stand up to police thugs.

  • opjubilee 12:35 pm on September 27, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Operation Jubilee – Rules of Engagement. 

    Protests like those in Greece and OWS, the recent surrounding of the Congress building in Madrid and most previous protests have failed, because the protesters allowed the police to provoke and arrest individuals, one or two at a time, whilst everyone else let them get away with it, with an “I’m alright Jack” attitude, until it’s their turn, of course.

    Reverend Martin Niemöller famously stated – “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn’t speak up because I was a protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.”

    The difference with Operation Jubilee, for it to succeed, is that it MUST be an all for one and one for all event; acting as one body, and any and all policemen who lay their hands on anyone protesting peacefully, especially Muad’Dib, will be citizen’s arrested, using their own handcuffs against them. This will help the protest to turn out differently, for once.

    Both the people and the police need to know the rules that the people will be guided by. So that; if or when they attempt what they are likely to attempt (dragging away an individual); they will see that the people will do exactly what they said they would do, and that they have to keep their hands off peaceful protestors.

    Any weapons used against the people will be confiscated, by the people.

    THEY will try to lay down their fraudulent rules, falsely claiming they are laying down and enforcing the law, when they are NOT. If it isn’t in the Bible, it is NOT a law, but a fraudulent piece of man-made legislation. So tell them that, and ignore their unlawful fraudulent orders. If they try to enforce fraudulent legislation, they will be committing a crime against the people, and thus are criminals who must be arrested, irrespective of their appearance.

    In order to prevent THEM from saying that the operation’s rules would be an excuse for anarchists to do as they like, any wrong-doers among the people, will also be arrested by the people. That will also take care of any agent provocateurs/undercover cops – the ones who throw things, etc, in order to provoke a police charge and brutality.

    Peacefully protesting against treason, corruption and injustice is Lawful, and anybody who attempts to deny someone’s right to do so is committing a crime, and will be arrested.

    Stay anonymous. Stay free and join Operation Jubilee.

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